
Incomprehensible logic papers

Logical Agents that Plan, Execute, and Monitor Communication
Martin Magnusson and David Landén and Patrick Doherty (2009). 2nd Workshop on Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning (LSIR-2).

Abductive Reasoning with Filtered Circumscription
Martin Magnusson and Jonas Kvarnström and Patrick Doherty (2009). Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC 2009).

Planning Speech Acts in a Logic of Action and Change
Martin Magnusson, Patrick Doherty (2009). 25th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS 2009).

Logical Agents for Language and Action
Martin Magnusson, Patrick Doherty (2008). 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-08).

Deductive Planning with Inductive Loops
Martin Magnusson, Patrick Doherty (2008). 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2008).

Automated Reasoning Agent Architecture
Martin Magnusson (2008). Doctoral Consortium Poster Session at the 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.

Planning, Executing, and Monitoring Communication in a Logic-based Multi-agent System
Martin Magnusson, David Landén, Patrick Doherty (2008). 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008). Presented as a poster.

Temporal Action Logic for Question Answering in an Adventure Game
Martin Magnusson and Patrick Doherty (2008). First Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-08). View a video demonstrating the game (5 min).

Deductive Planning and Composite Actions in Temporal Action Logic
Martin Magnusson (2007). Licentiate Thesis at Linköping University.

Deductive Planning with Temporal Constraints
Martin Magnusson and Patrick Doherty (2007). 8th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense'07). View the accompanying video of a UAV mission.

Deductive Planning with Temporal Constraints in TAL
Martin Magnusson and Patrick Doherty (2006). International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots (PCAR 2006).

Natural Language Understanding using Temporal Action Logic
Martin Magnusson (2006). Knowledge and Reasoning for Language Processing (KRAQ'06).

A Support Tool for Approximate Reasoning
Patrick Doherty, Martin Magnusson, and Andrzej Szalas (2006). Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics.

An Experimental Platform for Approximate Databases
Martin Magnusson, Patrick Doherty, Andrzej Szalas (2005). 3rd joint SAIS-SSL event on Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems. Presented as a poster.

Towards a Logical Analysis of Biochemical Pathways
Patrick Doherty, Steve Kertes, Martin Magnusson, and Andrzej Szalas (2004). 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'04).

Towards a Logical Analysis of Biochemical Reactions
Patrick Doherty, Steve Kertes, Martin Magnusson, and Andrzej Szalas (2004). 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004). Presented as a poster.

TALplanner in the Third International Planning Competition: Extensions and Control Rules
Jonas Kvarnström and Martin Magnusson (2003). Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

Domain Knowledge in TALplanner
Martin Magnusson (2003). Master's thesis at Linköping University.